Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ha! a Cincinnati story after all ...

In my last post, I cavalierly announced that I was going to see if I could find Estelle Sternberger, who partnered with Rebekah Kohut in the 1930s to create a Jewish women's encyclopedia, in the Jewish Women in America historical encyclopedia which appeared in 1997. Lo and behold, not only is there an entry on Sternberger, but she was born in Cincinnati! hooray!

Born in 1886, Sternberger attended the University of Cincinnati and the School of Jewish Philanthropy which existed there for a short time. Later, she worked in New York as executive secretary of the National Council of Jewish Women where one of her roles was to gather information about the careers of contemporary Jewish women.

After serving as executive director of World Peaceways and publishing The Supreme Cause: A Practical Book about Peace (1936), she became a radio commentator on politics and culture.

The entry makes no mention of the encylopaedia project, but it is nice to realize that though she never got to create one, she did end up being in one ...

Source: Jessica Berger, "Sternberger, Estelle," in Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia, eds., Paula E. Hyman and Deborah Dash Moore (New York, 1997), vol. 2, pp. 1336-7.

1 comment:

Michael Kranich said...

Estelle Sternberger was my great aunt.

I would be happy to try to supply additional information about her.